Dear Friends,
For the past 15 years our family has been living off the grid with only solar and wind power. We moved to our present location, built our own house and then we set to work to find alternative energy options that we could afford.
You see our family is no different than yours. We are just regular people who just want to make a difference in their lives. We wanted to lower our electricity costs. We wanted to lower our car expenses. It is getting very expensive out there so we figured out a way to beat it.
Today we live 100% Off-Grid and drive Electric Vehicles.
No we don't own those fancy new hybrids. We learned how to convert our cars to run on electricity at a cost we could afford. We figured out how to do it all for hundreds of dollars, not thousands of dollars. We had to.
And in so doing we figured out how to get 100 miles out of a single charge!
I would like to share with you exactly what we discovered and how we get such tremendous mileage from our revolutionary homemade electric car.
Would you like to discover:
- Step-By-Step How To Convert A Car To Electric
- How to Cut Fuel Costs to Nearly Zero
- How To Clean Up The Environment
- How To Get Massive IRS Refunds
Can I tell you a secret? We're not very mechanically inclined. We needed a lot of help with this project. And we made a ton of mistakes. But, in all of those mistakes we learned something we can pass on to you so you don't have to make the same mistakes we did.
You see, this electric vehicle thing is only part of what has been a 15 year process to discover the ultimate way we can reduce expenses for living while still maintaining our present standards. We don't want to live without life's little luxuries, just like you.
In learning how to live off the grid we needed massive numbers of batteries and it was in looking for these batteries... that we stumbled onto the answer.
Our home requires a lot of batteries to store energy from our solar panels and wind generators. It was always so expensive to buy new ones, we needed an alternative. Then...
One summer a few years ago a friend of ours told us about a special kind of battery that we could get used (for free) in nearly dead condition and how he had come up with a way to recondition them to nearly new. He had been doing it for years for his RV that had a large solar array on it.
His Method worked fine if you were only going to recondition one or two batteries but we needed to recondition dozens so we had to figure out a better way to apply his process that would work for us. Using our system you can keep a whole bank of used batteries (like you need for an electric car) in nearly new condition for years.
What was so amazing was that these particular batteries had tremendous capacity. When we hooked them up it seemed like our home was always full of power to use. Where before we had to conserve our energy much more strictly to see us through especially cloudy or windless days.
I wanted to make an improvement to our property so I went to get a bunch more of these batteries. Then it hit me! As I was hauling them home in the bed of our pickup truck I thought: "Why not use these same batteries to convert our car to electric?" And that is just what we did...
Did I mention that I am no mechanic? Nearly flunked out of auto mechanics in high school. I just couldn't get it. But, electricity and batteries is somehow easier for me to understand. And it seems like everybody who has read these plans agrees.
We have done 3 conversions for friends and family so far, and decided to let the plans out to a few of our Off Grid Newsletter subscribers to see what they could do with them. And every one of them found they could do it too.
Now, these batteries are kind of heavy and we had to develop ways of mounting them in our car (and our truck) that would accomodate the weight. We found all sorts of creative ways that the average guy can do this too.
Of course we did get all sorts of people to help us when we started. The local high school shop teacher was interested in our project and offered to help, and our neighbors too... It seemed like there was always somebody here when we were working on them. Why? Because they wanted to do their own conversion and they just didn't believe me when I told them I was doing it myself. Most people just don't think it's possible.
"Well, pound nails to build your house, maybe", they would say. "But, build your own Electric Car? Doubt it."
So they would hang around and learn from watching us that even they could do it. Now they are smiling too, converting their own.
Living Off Grid means you have to be resourceful and it served us well in doing our first EV conversions. We have managed to find sources of nearly free DC motors which literally save thousands of dollars in doing a conversion to electric.
You may have heard that the cost to convert a vehicle is close to $10,000. I guess you could pay that much if you really wanted to. But with our new methods adapted from 15 years of living with renewable energy we will show you how to do an EV conversion for only a few hundred dollars... depending on your resourcefulness.
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